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Books sorted by title

Book cover for Strike Zone

TNG: Strike Zone

Book number 5

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  • part of miniseries

Blurb for Strike Zone

Deep in the uncharted regions of the our galaxy, the Kreel, a primitive, warlike race have stumbled upon weapons powerful beyond their wildest imagination. The Kreel have used those weapons to attack their most bitter enemies, the Klingons. Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the USS Enterprise-D are called in to mediate the dispute by ferrying diplomatic teams from the two warring races to the source of their conflict, the mysterious planet where the weapons were discovered, in an attempt to find a peaceful solution to the conflict, and discover the origins of the super-powerful weapons. Before the galaxy erupts into full-scale war…

Book cover for Surak's Soul

ENT: Surak's Soul

Unnumbered book

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  • part of miniseries

Blurb for Surak's Soul

You are alone, in the dark reaches of space, surrounded by aliens who do not understand who you are and what you are, and who will not accept your beliefs. Under such circumstances, an emotional Human would feel lost, cut off, adrift, but Sub-Commander T'Pol is a Vulcan, and Vulcans control their emotions. However, no other Vulcan has served for longer that a few weeks aboard a Human ship. Has she, as others imply, simply lost her way? Pulled, once again, into one of Captain Archer's dangerously impulsive attempts to make first contact, the sub-commander finds her life threatened. T'Pol reacts, draws her phase-pistol and kills. It was a simple act of self-defense. But is killing ever simple? Has she forsaken the teachings of Surak? Determined to be true to her heritage, T'Pol forswears violence. She tells Captain Archer that never again will she kill – even if ordered. Is she, as Archer suggests, endangering the entire ship?

Book cover for Survivors

TNG: Survivors

Book number 4

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  • part of miniseries

Blurb for Survivors

Treva – a Human colony on the fringes of known space. Isolated from the rest of the galaxy, at last report they were on the verge of becoming a true interstellar community – a full-fledged member of the Federation. But now the USS Enterprise-D has received a distress signal. Treva is in the throes of a violent revolution, a revolution led by a merciless warlord who has committed countless atrocities in the name of freedom. Data and Natasha Yar are dispatched to investigate. But once they reach Treva, they discover the truth – and any possible solution – may be more complex than a simple rebellion. For Treva's president wants more than Starfleet's good words in her fight against the rebels. She wants their weapons. And before the battle is over, she means to get them. Over Data and Yar's dead bodies, if necessary.

Book cover for The Big Game

DS9: The Big Game

Book number 4

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  • part of miniseries

Blurb for The Big Game

When Quark holds a poker tournament on Deep Space Nine someone from almost every sentient race – Klingons, Cardassians, Romulans, Vulcans, Ferengi – shows up for what is sure to be the highest-stakes game of all time. But when one player is killed, the stakes get higher than even these big-money players had counted on. With the station rocked by subspace waves that threaten its destruction, Commander Sisko and Security Chief Odo must hunt down the killer in time to save the players, a killer who has information that can save those on board Deep Space Nine from the invisible enemy they do not even know they face, a killer who holds all the cards.

Book cover for The Black Shore

VOY: The Black Shore

Book number 13

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  • part of miniseries

Blurb for The Black Shore

After weeks of lonely journeys through a desolate region of the Delta Quadrant, the crew of USS Voyager is badly in need of shore leave, so the planet Ryolanov seems just what the doctor ordered. Full of warm sunlight and gracious, hospitable people, Ryolanov is a veritable oasis amid the endless reaches of uncharted space. Alerted by his spirit guide, Chakotay is the first to suspect that there may be a serpent lurking in this paradise, but he is not alone. Driven by a psychic call she cannot ignore, Kes must conquer her own fears to discover the terrifying secret lurking beyond the black shore.

Book cover for The Captains' Honor

TNG: The Captains' Honor

Book number 8

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  • part of miniseries

Blurb for The Captains' Honor

A series of vicious attacks by the M'Dok Empire has devastated the planet Tenara – bringing the USS Enterprise-D and another starship, the Centurion, to the planet's aid. The Centurion captain is Lucius Sejanus – a powerful, magnetic man who favors taking a far stronger stance against the M'Dok than Captain Picard. And as the conflict escalates, Sejanus's instincts seem to be correct… for it appears only extreme measures can stop the murderous raids on Tenara. Now the people of Tenara must decide which path they will follow – the way of peace, or the road to war. But unknown to any, one of the Centurion officers has made that decision for them – and plans to provoke a full-scale war between the Federation and the M'Dok Empire!

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