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Book cover for The Peacekeepers

TNG: The Peacekeepers

Book number 2

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Blurb for The Peacekeepers

Exploring a deserted alien spaceship, Lt. Commander Data and Lt. Geordi La Forge suddenly find themselves transported light years away – into the middle of a deadly conflict! While Captain Picard and the crew of the USS Enterprise™ search feverishly for the missing crewmen, Data and La Forge discover they are in a station almost identical to the one they were exploring, high in orbit around an Earth-type world. Years before, the occupants of that planet accidentally stumbled onto the ship and its advanced technology – and since then have used its weapons to keep the nations on the planet below disarmed, and at peace. Now their own arrival has precipitated a crisis on the station. Somehow Data and La Forge must find a way to restore trust between the planet below and the station's guardians up above – before a final, destructive war breaks out!

Book cover for The Romulan War - Beneath The Raptor's Wing

ENT: The Romulan War - Beneath The Raptor's Wing

Unnumbered book

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Blurb for The Romulan War - Beneath The Raptor's Wing

At the start of the twenty-first century, unconditional war swept across the Earth. A war that engulfed the great and the small, the rich and the poor, giving no quarter. Each side strove for unconditional victory, and as battle built upon battle the living began to envy the dead. Chastised by the cataclysm that they had unleashed, the governments of Earth banded together. Humanity vowed to put an end to war, and to strive for the betterment of every living creature. A united Earth created Starfleet, an interstellar agency, whose mission was to explore the cosmos, to come in peace for all mankind. It was a naïve wish that was battered by interstellar realities, yet man persists in the belief that peace is the way. Banding together with other powers to form a Coalition of Planets, Humanity hopes that the strength each can offer the other, will allow for peaceful exploration. However, the rise of the Coalition strikes dread within the Romulan Star Empire. They feel its growing reach will cut them off from what is rightfully theirs. The Romulans know that the alliance is fragile, that the correct strategy could turn allies into foes. Perfecting a way of remotely controlling Coalition ships and using them as weapons against each other, the Romulans hope to drive a wedge of suspicion and mistrust between these new allies. One Starfleet captain uncovers this insidious plot, Jonathan Archer of the Enterprise. Determined not to lose what they have gained, outmanned and outgunned, the captains of Starfleet stand tall vowing to defend every inch of Coalition space. The tide begins to turn. The Romulans now plan to strike at what they see as the heart of their problem. With nothing left to lose, the Romulan Star Empire engages in all out war against Humanity, determined once and for all to stop the Human menace from spreading across the galaxy.

Book cover for The Romulan War - To Brave The Storm

ENT: The Romulan War - To Brave The Storm

Unnumbered book

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Blurb for The Romulan War - To Brave The Storm

Earth stands alone The Coalition of Planets has shattered, with Vulcan, Andor, and Tellar abrogating the treaty. Their pledge to come to the mutual defense of any power that is attacked has been shunted aside. Horrified by how easily the Romulans can seize control of their advanced starships, turning them into weapons, Andor and Tellar have joined Vulcan on the sidelines. Humanity is now the only thing that stands between the Romulan Star Empire and total domination of the galaxy. To drive humans from the stars, the Romulans employ ruthless and murderous tactics… and even dare to strike on the Vulcan homeworld with the hopes of demoralizing their Vulcan brethren. Heartened by their victories, the Romulans carry their all-out war assault closer to the heart of humanity – Earth. But the tattered remains of Starfleet stand unwavering, with the resolution that never again would any enemy strike ever reach Earth. On the front lines of the Earth-Romulan War is the United Earth flagship, the Starship Enterprise. Her captain, Jonathan Archer, has seen his vessel of exploration become a battleship. Once hailed for his work bringing the Coalition of Planets into existence, Archer is now a pariah. Undaunted, the captain keeps fighting, searching for allies and determined to do his duty: to save Earth and forge a new federation of planets.

Book cover for The Siege

DS9: The Siege

Book number 2

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Blurb for The Siege

Commander Benjamin Sisko is just recovering from the death of his wife when he is assigned command over the former Cardassian, but new Federation space station, Deep Space 9. This space station is strategically located not only because of its orbit about Bajor, but also because of its proximity to the only known stable wormhole in the galaxy. After meeting the other Bajoran and Starfleet personnel assigned to the station, including a former Bajoran freedom fighter and a shapeshifter, Sisko finds himself in that very wormhole and in the midst of a metaphysical experience as the alien inhabitants of the wormhole question the concepts of time and love. Sisko, filled with humanistic hubris, begins to explain these experiences, and resolve his painful past.

Book cover for The Way to the Stars

DSC: The Way to the Stars

Book number 4

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  • part of miniseries

Blurb for The Way to the Stars

Despite being an inexperienced Starfleet cadet, Sylvia Tilly became essential to the USS Discovery finding its way back home from the Mirror Universe. But how did she find that courage? From where did she get that steel? Who nurtured that spark of brilliance? The Way to the Stars recounts for fans everywhere the untold story of Tilly's past. It's not easy being sixteen, especially when everyone expects great things from Tilly. It's even harder when her mother and father are Federation luminaries, not to mention pressing her to attend one of the best schools that the Federation has to offer. Tilly wants to achieve great things – even though she hasn't quite worked out how to do that or what it is she wants to do. But this year, everything will change for Tilly, as she is about to embark upon the adventure of a lifetime – an adventure that will take her ever closer to the stars…

Book cover for Violations

VOY: Violations

Book number 4

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  • part of miniseries

Blurb for Violations

Under the guise of helping the crew find a way home, a group of aliens board the USS Voyager, and then steal the main computer. To get it back, Captain Janeway is forced to negotiate with the thieves--who are from a consortium of planets where thievery is a way of life. But as Janeway and her crew fight to retrieve the computer in time to save the barely functioning ship, they become embroiled in a political battle the could not only destroy the USS Voyager, but the crew as well!

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