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Book cover for A Time To Kill

TNG: A Time To Kill

Unnumbered book

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  • part of miniseries

Blurb for A Time To Kill

At the height of the Dominion War and unknown to all save those in the highest levels of command, the Federation secretly armed the neutral planet Tezwa with devastating weapons – part of a contingency plan against the Dominion if the front lines collapsed. But Tezwa also lies near the border of the Klingon Empire… making the Federation's covert strategy in direct violation of their fragile peace treaties, and creating the potential threat of scandal and all-out war. Now Tezwa's power-hungry prime minister is all too eager to flex his newfound military muscle, menacing a nearby Klingon border world. Sent on an urgent diplomatic mission, Captain Picard and the Enterprise crew are caught in the crossfire as the crisis quickly escalates. With time running out and billions of lives at stake, only one man can avert the looming disaster – Ambassador Worf, who must choose between his oath to the Federation and his loyalty to Martok, Chancellor of the Klingon Empire…

Book cover for A Time To Love

TNG: A Time To Love

Unnumbered book

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  • part of miniseries

Blurb for A Time To Love

One hundred years ago, the recurring conflicts between the Bader and the Dorset ended mysteriously when both races colonized the distant planet Delta Sigma IV – a world located far from the destructive wars of their people – and quickly became the Federation's perfect example of interspecies cooperation. But there are now rumblings of trouble in paradise, as an investigation led by Kyle Riker – Commander William Riker's estranged father – into this harmonious society has discovered a shocking, immutable truth: over the next few generations, the reaction to a native gas will spell the extinction of Delta Sigma IV's inhabitants. Captain Picard and his crew, still recovering from the tragic events that have tarnished the career of one of the Federation's most decorated captains, must come to the aid of a world that once knew only peace, but now faces emerging violence and chaos…and Commander Riker must confront the reality that his own father may be held responsible for Delta Sigma IV's almost certain downfall!

Book cover for A Time To Sow

TNG: A Time To Sow

Unnumbered book

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  • part of miniseries

Blurb for A Time To Sow

On the cusp of their epic battle with Shinzon, many of Captain Jean-Luc Picard's long-time crew were heading for new assignments and new challenges. Among the changes were William Riker's promotion to captain and his new command, Riker's marriage to Counselor Deanna Troi, and Dr. Beverly Crusher's new career at Starfleet Medical. But the story of what set them on a path away from the Starship Enterprise has never been told. Until now. More than two centuries ago, the Dokaalan sent an unmanned probe into the void, bearing a distress call for anyone who could save their doomed world. But the message reached Federation space too late to save the planet or its people. Or so it was believed… Generations later, Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the Enterprise-E are stunned to discover the last of the Dokaalan – now only a colony fighting to stay alive in a decrepit asteroid mining complex. Although their home planet was destroyed long ago, the survivors hope to someday transform a nearby planet into a new home for their people. But bitter divisions exist among the Dokaalan, sowing the seeds of sabotage and terrorism – and placing Picard and the Enterprise in the middle of an escalating crisis that can only lead to total destruction!

Book cover for Antimatter

DS9: Antimatter

Book number 8

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Blurb for Antimatter

The Bajoran shipyard is assigned to build an engine for a new starship, a project which could be instrumental in revitalizing the planet's war-ravished economy. As Commander Sisko awaits the arrival of a tanker containing the antimatter that will power the starship, a band of hijackers captures the extremely valuable cargo and escapes through the wormhole. When the hijacking spurs a political debate, Major Kira struggles to mediate the dispute between the opposing factions. Meanwhile, Sisko makes a desperate move to retrieve the antimatter. With the stability of the Bajoran economy at stake, Sisko, Dax, and Odo infiltrate the hijackers, a move that could have deadly consequences for them and the planet Bajor.

Book cover for Betrayal

DS9: Betrayal

Book number 6

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  • part of miniseries

Blurb for Betrayal

Ambassadors from all over the Federation have assembled on Deep Space Nine for a conference that will determine the future of the planet Bajor. Keeping dozens of ambassadors happy is hard enough, but soon terrorists begin a bombing campaign on the station, and Commander Sisko's job becomes nearly impossible. Distracted by all of this, he's in no position to deal well with the arrival of a belligerent Cardassian commander demanding the return of Deep Space Nine to the Cardassian Empire, but he must rise to the occasion if his station and Bajor are to emerge from the crisis intact.

Book cover for Bless The Beasts

VOY: Bless The Beasts

Book number 10

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  • part of miniseries

Blurb for Bless The Beasts

In desperate need of crucial repairs, the Starship Voyager has come to Sardalia, a planet blessed with great beauty and apparently friendly inhabitants. The Sardalians welcome Voyager enthusiastically, but Captain Janeway soon grows suspicious. The Sardalians seem a bit too eager to help. Janeway fears they are hiding some hidden agenda. When Tom Paris and Harry Kim disappear while visiting the planet, the captain and her crew find themselves caught in the middle of a planetary war – and faced with an agonizing moral dilemma.

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