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Book cover for Bloodletter

DS9: Bloodletter

Book number 3

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  • part of miniseries

Blurb for Bloodletter

Starfleet Command has learned that the Cardassians are planning to construct a base on the other side of the wormhole to establish a presence and claim the rich unexplored territory. Now, it falls to Commander Sisko, Major Kira, and the crew of Deep Space 9 to set up a Federation station there immediately. Before Major Kira can deliver the new base, a fanatic from her violent past appears. Kira must engage in a life and death struggle with an enemy who will stop at nothing to destroy her, as the fate of Bajor, the wormhole, and possibly the entire Federation hangs in the balance.

Book cover for Broken Bow

ENT: Broken Bow

Unnumbered book

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  • part of miniseries

Blurb for Broken Bow

It is the twenty-second century… and the dawn of mankind's boldest adventure. Thanks to an amazing new breakthrough in warp technology, finally an era of true interstellar exploration is about to begin. Captain Jonathan Archer has been chosen to command the groundbreaking starship Enterprise NX-01. But before the ship can leave Earth's orbit, a mysterious alien – a Klingon – fleeing the attack of another race of aliens is nearly killed on a farm in Broken Bow, Oklahoma. The Vulcan Ambassador Soval suggests that in light of these events Enterprise's departure be postponed. A Vulcan ship, he assures Starfleet Command, will take the body of the Klingon home. Pointing out that the Klingon is still alive, Archer counters that Enterprise is ready and that he will see the Klingon home – alive. Starfleet gives Archer the assignment with one proviso: a Vulcan observer, Sub-Commander T'Pol, will work as his science officer. Eager to get under way, the captain reluctantly agrees. It should have been a quick and easy mission, but when the Klingon is snatched out of the ship's sickbay by the Suliban, Enterprise is pulled into a conflict that not only reaches across star systems, but centuries as well.

Book cover for By the Book

ENT: By the Book

Unnumbered book

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  • part of miniseries

Blurb for By the Book

The Fazi, whose ultraregulated culture ranges from strict conversation protocols to unvarying building designs, inhabit half of a planet discovered by Enterprise. But after a disastrous first contact with the ruler of the Fazi, Archer must depend on Vulcan science officer T'Pol and communication specialist Hoshi Sato to help mend relations with the people of this planet, and unravel the mystery of the other creatures living on the world.

Book cover for Caretaker

VOY: Caretaker

Book number 1

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  • part of miniseries

Blurb for Caretaker

Pocket Books is proud to present the novelization of 'Caretaker', the premiere episode of Star Trek: Voyager. This is the story of Kathryn Janeway and the crew of the Starship USS Voyager. Transported by the alien technology to the other side of the galaxy, years away from the Federation and everything they call home, their voyage back will be a fantastic odyssey that will take them through uncharted space, into dangers as they travel where no one has gone before.

Book cover for Chrysalis

VOY: Chrysalis

Book number 12

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  • part of miniseries

Blurb for Chrysalis

When the sensors of the USS Voyager detect abundant plant life on an unexplored planet, Captain Janeway leads an away team in search of fresh food supplies. They find lavish gardens inhabited by an enigmatic alien race that holds the gardens sacred. The fragrent blossoms are beautiful, enticing – and far more dangerous than they appear. One by one, the away team begins to fall into deep comas from which they cannot be revived. Unwilling to spread the affliction to Voyager, the away team is trapped on the planet until a cure can be found, but their investigation is perceived as desecration by the devout worshipers of the gardens. Pursued by a fanatical mob, slowly succumbing to the insidious effect of the blossoms, Janeway faces either a violent death – or an endless sleep.

Book cover for Cybersong

VOY: Cybersong

Book number 8

  • ebook
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  • audiobook
  • part of miniseries

Blurb for Cybersong

A mysterious signal lures the USS Voyager to an uncharted sector of the Delta Quadrant – and an enigmatic ghost ship floating adrift in space. Janeway mounts an investigation, hoping the alien ship may hold a clue to the whereabouts of the Caretaker's long-lost ship and his mate – the only known entity to have the power to send the USS Voyager home. The ghost ship appears deserted, but soon a strange presence casts an eerie spell over the hearts and souls of the crew. Unless Janeway can solve the vessel's mystery, Voyager itself may succumb to its haunting song…

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