Welcome to ST-Archive!

Star Trek continues its worldwide success and captures new audiences around the world. Never before has there been such an abundance of Star Trek content. New TV series keep getting added. There are countless stories for the different crews in their timelines and sometimes even universes to be explored. In addition to the TV series, there are also non-canon books from these series and additional original and crossover series as well as anthologies.

While this means that there will always be new stories left to explore, it also makes it easy to lose track or to even miss out on fantastic content. ST-Archive aims to present a comprehensive overview of all Star Trek series, both canon and non-canon, and the stories from these series. For each book the title, book cover, book number and blurb as well as information about the available formats are being presented.

ST-Archive currently is work in progress. At the moment, only the TV series and a handful of books are listed. This will change in the coming weeks and months and new features are already planned.

To make the most of the site, register a free account. Registered users can add series and books to their wish or favourites list, add reviews, edit their reviews, and mark books as finished.